
A flash view of your cyber risks

Before entering into a business relationship, it is recommended to assess the cyber footprint of a target by examining its exposure surface. This quick analysis of cyber vulnerabilities allows us to verify the real and critical threats to the future partner and to take the necessary precautions before entering into a business relationship. Semkel's methodology is based on a surface scan of the internet and deep examination of the dark web, relying on several advanced technological solutions.   With Cyber Scan, you benefit from :
  • A quick, cost-effective and efficient diagnostic to assess the cyber footprint of a physical or moral business partner to prevent digital risk,
  • A tactical scan of the digital footprint on the internet, integrity in the darkweb, checks for leaks that could impact the target, and anticipate the positive or negative impact on the valuation. 

⚠️ This scan is not an audit, pentest or social media survey. 

Need to quickly assess a third party's cyber footprint?