Legal information

Please read carefully the present terms of use of the site " ". These are accessible on the site under the heading "Legal information". By logging on to this site, you accept these terms and conditions without reservation.


The website is owned by Semkel SA, a public limited company with a board of directors and capital of €2,702,000.00.

The company is located at 37, rue Dubois-Crancé 69 600 Oullins.
R.C.S. Lyon 894 689 975 - SIRET : 89468997500015 - APE : 6312Z

Paris office: 7 Rue Meyerbeer 75009 Paris

The publication director is Julien Lopizzo, Chairman and CEO of Semkel.
To contact Semkel: https: //


The hosting of the site " " is operated by Kinsta (, 8605 Santa Monica Blvd, 92581 West Hollywood, CA 90069, United States. However, the servers of the hosting company are located in Belgium.

Terms and conditions of use

Read more about the general terms and conditions of use of the "" website.